Dynamic Capacity Approach: Theory and Applications for Traffic Breakdown Assessment at Unsystematic Bottlenecks
Rp79.000 – Rp100.000
ISBN: 978-623-264-740-4
ISBN: 978-623-264-739-8 (PDF)
Author: Sugiarto
Editor: Maulidar Agustina
Publisher: Syiah Kuala University Press
Published Date: 2022-12-30
Page Count: 104
Print Type: Book
Category: Urban & Regional Development
Maturity Rating: Not_Mature
Indonesia as an emerging country has a lot of traffic bottleneck challenges on urban road networks including in Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province. It is due to high traffic demand and limited supply of roadway. Consequently, traffic congestion leads to several externalities such as unnecessary travel times, air pollution, energy consumption, and driver frustration. An unsystematic bottleneck defines as a bottleneck that is without any changes in roadway geometric, and sometimes refers to hidden or virtual bottlenecks. Therefore, I wrote a basic traffic engineering book emphasizing the dynamic capacity method with application on virtual bottlenecks assessments. This book is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate civil engineers particularly dealing with traffic planning and operation at the virtual bottlenecks. This book is essentially distinguished into six chapters. Chapter I and II deals with the traffic mechanism at unsystematic bottlenecks and its theoretical foundation for assessing the speed and capacity drops due to an active unsystematic bottleneck. The fundamental theory of static and dynamic approaches has been comprehensively discussed in this part. The following part of the chapter, III-VI covers practical assessment by considering U-turn and On-street parking bottlenecks as case studies including simulation methods to determine measures of the effectiveness of the design improvements. Data preparation, observation, analysis, and simulation are broadly deliberated for easy understanding for undergraduate and postgraduate university students. While this book is further intended for traffic engineering practitioners. I suppose that it will also be worth practicing for traffic and transport engineers as designers or planners.
Additional information
Weight | 0,3 kg |
Dimensions | 23 × 16 × 2 cm |
Jenis Cetakan | Hitam Putih, Warna, Hitam Putih (Penulis), Warna (Penulis) |
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